We are a group of 8th grade boys that have known each other since kindergarten and love anything hands on. We all came together during Tech class and the engineering club under the KidWind Umbrella. We are extremely excited to represent IWCS in MInnesota.
We’re from Mingdao High School in Taiwan. We’ve first participated in KidWind in Asia two years ago and founded passion and entertainment from this competition. This year we have the opportunity to go to the U.S. to meet the teams from different countries. We’re very excited and looking forward to see you all!
Team Handy Helper is from the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. We are excited to share our solar powered robotic hand with others!
MIT Academy Griffins are a hopefully energetic bunch from Vallejo, California. We dream big and make bigger messes and are looking forward to this years competition!
Kolton, Gabriel, George, Leland, and Garrett are all in for learning new things and trying anything. They work hard and are always looking for ways to modify and make their inventions better. They are involved in many extracurricular events at school and in their community.
This was our school’s first time competing at the Oregon Coast STEM Hub Renewable Energy Challenge. We were the smallest school with the smallest teams and we came out on top! We are excited for Worlds!