Students will become familiar with the engineering design process during this lesson. They will learn how different blade design variables affect power output and work to create the most optimal blades.
The Details
- 1 Model turbine on which blades can quickly be interchanged
- 1 Multimeter or voltage/current data logger
- 1 Box fan
- Milk cartons, PVC pipe, or paper towel rolls (optional)
- Ruler
- Pictures of wind turbine blades
- Sample blades of varying sizes, shapes and materials
- Balsa wood, corrugated plastic, card stock, paper plates, etc.
- 1/4″ Dowels
- Duct tape and/or hot glue
- Scissors
- Protractor for measuring blade pitch
- Safety glasses
- Poster-size graph paper (optional)
- Student reading passages and student worksheets
Next Generation Science Standards
Cross-Cutting Concepts
- Cause & Effect
- Patterns
- Systems & System Models
Disciplinary Core Ideas
- HS-ETS1.A | Defining and Delimiting Engineering Problems
- HS-ETS1.B | Developing Possible Solutions
- HS-ETS1.C | Optimizing the Design Solution
- HS-PS3.C | Relationship Between Energy and Forces
- MS-ETS1.A | Defining and Delimiting Engineering Problems
- MS-ETS1.B | Developing Possible Solutions
- MS-ETS1.C | Optimizing the Design Solution
- MS-PS3.C | Relationship Between Energy and Forces
Learning Objectives
- Be able to participate in the engineering design process
- Understand how blade design variables affect power output
- Know how to improve and optimize wind turbine blades