Understanding Forms and Sources of Energy

Students will learn about the differences between forms and sources of energy in order to talk about and make informed energy choices. Through demonstrations, reading passages, and discussions, students will gain the ability to classify the main types of energy—kinetic and potential. Students will also understand the differences between forms of energy, including radiant, thermal, and mechanical.

The Details

6th - 8th Grade
9th - 12th Grade
Time Required
2 periods


  • Lamp
  • 40W Incandescent light bulb
  • Battery-operated flashlight
  • Hand-generator flashlight
  • Student reading passages and student worksheets

Next Generation Science Standards

Cross-Cutting Concepts

  • Systems & System Models

Disciplinary Core Ideas

  • ESS3.D Global Climate Change
  • PS2.A Forces & Motion
  • PS2.B Types of Interactions
  • PS3.A Definitions of Energy
  • PS3.B Conservation of Energy & Energy Transfer

Learning Objectives

  • Describe the main forms of energy and give examples
  • Explain what an energy transformation is and diagram the transformations that take place in an energy system, highlighting waste heat at each step
  • State the major sources of energy and identify them as either renewable or nonrenewable
  • Differentiate between forms and sources of energy
  • Identify the form of energy stored or delivered in each of the major energy sources


U.S. Electricity Generation by Energy Source


Forms of Energy


BBC Energy