Students will learn about the concepts of work, power, and energy and how they translate to energy efficiency. Students will also read about energy efficiency and how sustainable energy use translates to cost savings. Through a demonstration of light bulb wattage using a Kill A Watt Meter, students will be able to get a better sense of how to make small changes that lead to a bigger energy-saving impact.
The Details
- 2 Lamps
- 2 Light bulbs of equal brightness
- Kill A Watt Meter
- Calculator
- Student reading passages and student worksheets
Next Generation Science Standards
Cross-Cutting Concepts
- Cause & Effect
- Energy & Matter
- Patterns
Disciplinary Core Ideas
- ETS1.A Defining & Delimiting Engineering Problems
- ETS1.C Optimizing the Design Solution
- PS2.A Forces & Motion
- PS2.B Types of Interactions
- PS3.A Definitions of Energy
- PS3.B Conservation of Energy & Energy Transfer
- PS3.C Relationship Between Energy & Forces
Learning Objectives
- Define the concepts of work, power, and energy, and provide examples of each
- Describe the relationship between work, power, and energy
- Know how to calculate the economic and COâ‚‚ savings from using energy-efficient appliances
- Understand the concepts of energy efficiency and energy conservation and provide examples of each