Students will learn about the controversy surrounding bird mortality and wind turbines. They will research bird patterns and behaviors to gain a better understanding about wind’s risks to birds. Students will conduct a simple avian risk assessment at a potential wind farm site.
The Details
- Student reading passages and student worksheets
- Calculators
Next Generation Science Standards
Cross-Cutting Concepts
- Stability & Change
Disciplinary Core Ideas
- HS-ESS2.A | Earth Materials and Systems
- HS-ESS2.C | The Roles of Water in Earth's Surface Processes
- HS-ETS1.A | Defining and Delimiting Engineering Problems
- HS-ETS1.B | Developing Possible Solutions
- MS-ETS1.A | Defining and Delimiting Engineering Problems
- MS-ETS1.B | Developing Possible Solutions
Learning Objectives
- Know about some avian behaviors such as feeding, migrating, and nesting
- Be able to collect, evaluate, and use data from a variety of sources
- Understand how birds can be impacted by turbines