Teacher Training

Join KidWind for a topic-specific, renewable energy workshop. Whether in-person or virtual, these dynamic workshops include the distribution of materials and grow content knowledge while also exploring teacher-approved, hands-on K-12 lessons.


At KidWind, we know that bringing clean energy in the classroom starts with teachers! For the past 20 years, our workshops have helped grow educators’ knowledge about clean energy while also getting quality materials into their hands. Our hands-on workshops introduce educators to the fundamentals of clean energy, project-based and inquiry-led pedagogies, and provide details about participating in the KidWind Challenge.
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The REcharge Academy

The REcharge Academy is KidWind’s annual weeklong flagship educator training program focused on clean energy. The intensive training blends lectures from experts and tours of energy facilities with replicable hands-on K-12 lessons to give educators content as well as context.
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Coming Soon

Gale Force Academy

Can’t make it to a workshop? Checkout our new self-paced, hands-on, material rich online mini-courses! These asynchronous mini-courses have been designed and facilitated by our team of REcharge Instructors, to provide the content and support to integrate clean energy into your instruction. Look out for our first mini-courses - Wind 101 and Solar 101 in the late fall!

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