Evaluating Offshore Wind Impacts

Students in grades 6-8 will use online GIS (Geographical Information Systems) to explore human activity in the oceans and the multiple interests. Focusing on sites for current and future offshore wind farms, students work in teams to evaluate the potential impacts of installing wind turbines on the ocean and human uses of the ocean, such as recreation, travel, commerce, etc.

The Details

6th - 8th Grade
Time Required
Two class periods (45-85 min each or extended single period).


  • Teacher computer and projector or smartboard, with internet access
  • Slide presentation (optional)
  • Student computers (1 per pair or group, with internet access)
  • Ocean Uses Exploration Guide (1 per pair or group); printed or shared electronically

Next Generation Science Standards

Cross-Cutting Concepts

  • Cause & Effect
  • Stability & Change
  • Systems & System Models

Disciplinary Core Ideas

  • ESS3.C Human Impacts on Earth Systems
  • LS2.C Ecosystem Dynamics Functioning & Resilience

Learning Objectives

  • Explain that humans make use of the ocean in many different ways, some of which are not compatible
  • Use graphical displays (e.g., maps, charts, graphs, and/or tables) of large data sets to identify temporal and spatial relationships
  • Demonstrate critical thinking skills by evaluating potential impacts of offshore wind development on people and the natural environment