Competition Elements
Every wind and solar team competing in the World KidWind Challenge will participate in several competition elements, including either wind turbine or solar home testing, a presentation for a panel of judges, 2-3 Instant Challenges (including an optional Joint Instant Challenge with the Collegiate Wind Competition), and the Quizbowl.
The judging, Instant Challenge, and Quizbowl components of Worlds will be scheduled for each team. Wind turbine and solar structure testing will be self directed in between the other Competition Elements during Worlds.
Bonus Points! There are 3 bonus points available that teams can earn BEFORE coming to Worlds. These must be completed by May 2nd in order to receive the extra points.
- Complete your Team Profile with a working video (1 point)
- Submit ALL Attendee Forms for people joining your team for Worlds (students, coaches, and chaperones) with Liability & Media Release Forms (2 points).
Learn what to expect and important rules for each element by clicking on the buttons below.
Competition Elements with a * next to them will be scheduled at a specific time for each team.
Wind and Solar teams will be scheduled for a judging session to present their structure to a panel of judges, discuss their project, and answer questions.
We will have more than one judging room going at a time, so multiple teams will be scheduled for the same session.
We encourage all teams to prepare a formal presentation and share supplementary materials which may include photos, data tables, notebooks, and/or project iterations.
Note: Each team MUST bring a hardcopy of their 1-page Executive Summary document. Middle School and High School teams are expected to create their own 1-pager. Elementary School teams may use the Executive Summary Template we provide. Guidelines and an ES Template will be released in February.
While we ask that teams include their team number on the Executive Summary, they won't be assigned until a few weeks prior to the event! The team number can be written onto the Executive Summary right before Worlds once they are posted on Team Profiles.